Post 8 : A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

 Post 8 :  A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

Write about your favorite subject this term. Among others, include:

> Name
> Describe what you do in classes
> Mention the main contents you have seen
> Explain why you like the subject

> Word Count: 180
> Make comments on 3 of your patners' posts and on your Teacher's.

As a child, I really liked studying but I honestly disliked going to school because I felt I couldn't learn much and I used to see the institution with remorse for being more than a school, a jail to me.

I also disliked the type of things we had to learn, but all in all, I started to really enjoy a class where we had to use tools to build pieces of furniture, small robotic devices, etc.  The class does not exist in the school system anymore, it was called "Técnico Manual"

I remember the biggest challenge when I decided to work with metal and welding tools. It was just great! I could share a lot with my father, getting to have a very healthy and loving environment for both of us to share and I developed a taste for achitecture I did not have.

Learning to do things with my hands helped me in many dimensions. Nowadays, becuase of all the effort me and my family and school made, I could acquire plenty of knowledge, not only related to scholastic topics and it has been very useful in my life.


  1. That's very interesting, I did not know that some schools did classes about that. In my school, the only subject in which we did manual things was in art class.

    1. I play on average, in the robotics class.
      but honestly I end up bored.

  2. When a have 15 years old I loved architecture and I went to a class named "Robótica" in which I built with legos structures and robots wich had to pass tests, now I still like a lot build and tecnology.

  3. I really think that when we do things related with architecture we learn a lot

  4. This kind of class are very useful. In my school, we only did manual things in the art class, and I left this class because I had to choose between art or the music class. Finally I had take music lessons and learn how to play diferents instruments.

  5. I used have the same issue of you, I didn't liked to go school ):

  6. doing manual things you activates fine motor skills and that's very good!!!

  7. I also had a subject very similar to the one you describe, but I hated it because I was stressed doing manual work


  8. go through the same problem in high school.


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