Post 10 - Evaluation of Blog Experience

Evaluation of Blog Experience

Post 10 - Evaluation of your Blogging Experience

Write about your experience using blogs in the English class.


> What you think about the experience in general
> How much you feel your writing skills have developed
> What you would like to include in the future
> What else you would like to write about

Wordcount: 200
Make comments on 3 of your classmates' posts and on your teacher's as well.

Evaluation of My Experience With Students:

** disclaimer: this is an old post inspired in a course years ago.. 

As I have always said, when being here in front of a group of people in a class, I feel lucky to have the chance of being able to be their teacher, and I take very seriously and passionately the fact that the work I can make may change History someday – No one knows for sure if some of the people you were teacher’s to, might grow to become a future senator or the future president.

Having said that, it is time to reflect upon the practices and understand the ways in which the experience of the process of teaching and learning has enriched one’s life. It is time to assess one’s motivations, one’s teaching practice and the learning gained from the students.

By doing the self-analysis exercise, I realize that by being related to the academic affairs of a wide diversity of students from several faculties and majors, this term as well as the former ones, I have learnt and gained deeper understanding in areas which were unknown to me and so I have learnt about the world of Dentistry and the different functions of the different organs involved in teething. Furthermore I have explored the world of cinema and the many dimensions to it, which are not always displayed for the mere spectator; I have enriched my understanding of the current national affairs just by listening to my journalism students and the discussions they have in the hallways or when just having a coffee with their peers.

From the interaction with my students –in English most of the time, I always insist - I have seen art in a way that was distant to me, I could finally appreciate artistic forms that before, seemed sterile to me and needless say that as a whole, when reflecting upon the learning I have obtained from my students, I understand how wonderful my profession is and that from that nourishing feedback we both, teacher and students, receive from each other,  I believe we may endow the world with ways to stop inequity and contribute for citizens to overcome deprivation.

In the future I aim at opening up more to look over students learning styles, to take their ideas and try to include them in class activities that are even more profitable and beneficial not only for the academic endeavor but furthermore for the pursue of happiness.


  1. Your wish of change the History being our teacher is so cute

  2. I think you have some much calling in teaching that it can be seen when we are in class

  3. aaaaw, I did not think it could be so cute XD


  4. For this kind of thinking I understand the importance of the work doing by the teachers

  5. students and teachers can learn from each other, that is a nice view


  6. I think it's very nice to teach a group of students who study the same thing. I really feel that you enjoy things related with journalism and cine.

  7. I'm so glad to know that you're passionate about your work


  8. I appreciate your work very much, being a teacher is the best profession and the most important.

  9. Having freedom in the choice of subjects makes it fun.


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