Post 5 : The Story of a Picture (DUE TO 11th, May, 12:00 pm)

Blog 5: The Story of a Picture

Write about a photograph you like.


Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Upload it too

Include any other information you'd like to mention.
Write at least 150 words.

Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs
The story of a picture
This might look a bit naive but , let me tell you, it is alcohol!, it was taken at a pub in Paris, in a bar across from Place Vendome. I was with friends and we wanted to see the non-romantic and alternative side of the city.
This picture is a portrait of the memories I have from my best holiday ever, and even though I haven’t had many superb holidays, because most of time I prefer visiting my family more than anything else, I have had some memorable ones.
It was the year 2008, if I don’t remember incorrectly; and I was under big stress because I had had several problems at my job. Anyway, to make a long story short, I dropped by the place I used to work for and they told me: “here you are”… it was a NICE, FAT Christmas bonus.
That day, I was with a friend of mine, and after hearing that I had received my present, she shouted at me, from the entrance: “Man!!!! Let’s go out!!!”….
Two hours later, we were hiking around Paris Downtown, we meant to tour as much as posible, getting to see idilic landscapes and also, both being teachers, we wanted to share with the locals and not visiting the typical touristic places.
We toured around Montmartre, the Quartier Latin, and the Quartier de L'Opéra -where the picture was taken. We spent nearly the whole afternoon walking around, very lost until we ended up in the strangest bar, where drinks were all related to Hospital which we thought was very original. From that improvised adventure, there are many stories we can both tell our children, and other thousand anecdotes, I cannot let you know in this blog entry’s extension.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You visit a lot of places of Paris, but did you see any piece of the work of Banksy?

      (I deleted the other comment because I wrote wrong "Banksy")

  2. it didnt seem be like that the history!!

  3. I thought in something very different when I saw those two baby bottles lol

  4. Montmartre it's one of the best places that I have had the opportunity to know.
    I love the aesthetics of that neighborhood <3

  5. I love France and its culture, I hope to go soon

  6. I would like to know that bar, it sounds so funny about the bottles

  7. I'm looking forward to the day I'll meet Paris.

  8. I do not know why, but it reminds me of mechanical orange.

  9. This is a great story, I hope to visit Paris some day too, when this is happen I will take a lot of pictures of my own adventures.


  10. What a great story, a good anecdote that can happen to anyone.


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