Write about your favourite piece of technology


What it is.
When you got it.
How you use it.
How often you use it.
Why you like it.
What life would be like without it.

- 130 words minimum.
- Include a picture. 
- Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

The Apple Without The Worm

I will tell you about something that happened many years ago, around 2010. For some time I had been quite disconnected from all society, I had already spent 6 months without a mobile.
Back then I had started working for a telecommunications company and I had to be on the phone mostly all day long, and that's why I decided, in the end, to get rid of the #cell-phone".

Time went by and some day I had an urgency, I had to hand in a very, very importan document, but with the rush, I left it over my desk at home, and the only way to get it was to call my friend and ask him to drop by and bring it along.

Having thought so, I rushed out the underground to get a pay-phone but guess what, ALL of them were not working, and after several tries, and a big anguish, I managed to contact my friend and get my papers...but it was already a bit late, and the only way I could get in touch was by borrowing a co-worker's mobile!

Next thing, I got a mobile phone, in the 2011, after nearly a year without it. After a while I learnt there were new models, and new apps and the inclusion of 3G, I finally changed to iphone!!!... I use it for everything: to make a call, a free-call, to use wasap, teaching apps, grading apps, ppt creation and many more tools that I have come accross with.

I love my new mobile because of its functionality and the freedom it gives me, because I do not longer need to be behind the desk to do all of the tasks my profession requires. I also love it because it helps me being updated on everything I need updating on, and furthermore, because I might have lots to do, and even though I am very forgetful, with my iphone, I can always be aware of it all!.

Without it, life would be rather the same, perhaps, with the difference that I would be forced to spend less time behind the mobile, but at the same time, forced to spend longer hours behind the desk. If I did not have it, I would be even busier, not being able to work on the run. That's why I now love and use my mobile.


  1. I think that I need a disconnection from the society too!! Like you in 2010!

  2. I’m just like you. I can’t live without my phone.

  3. disconnecting from technology is good for the mind and health

  4. I don't like iphone :c
    I can't understand that type of technology.
    Android is life <3

  5. I don't like phones, I only have one to communicate with my parents.

  6. One year without a cell phone, it is a lot of time, congratulations!. I couldn't imagine my life without my cell phone.


  7. sometimes cell phones can be very functional, and that's why they end up catching you and consuming a lot of your time!

  8. I used to love my iPhone 7 too much, but it was stolen :( I'm still sad about that

  9. If it helps, I did not have a phone until I was 16.


  10. Whenever they start talking about the cell phones of the early 2000s, I remember the nokia, the "bricks", which I loved personally and I love them XD.


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