Post 6: Sexism Shown in a Fiction Character that I Love.

The topic for this post is as it follows:

Sexism Shown in a Fiction Character that I Love. 

  - Which the character is and a little about his/her history.
·       - How you got to know them.
·       - How you think any kind of gender violence is depicted in the character, either in their personality, attitudes and/or relationships with other characters
·       - Exemplify (video, picture, gif, etc)

Write your Post in 160 words. Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs. 

The Simpsons is Sexist!

This topic has been one of the topics I’ve needed to think over because it is undeniable that to be critical with one’s likes and preferences might be a bit hard due to the small amount of reflection we are required to do upon our own preferences, but finally, after all the many thoughts involved I got to the conclusion that a good example of a sexist fictional character I love would be the famous yellow American family I got to know back in the late nineties when cable TV was just arriving to the 8th region and that I believe it is sexist because it attempts to systematically reassure the classical patriarchal family stereotype and by claiming an alleged feminism, it places the concept of masculinity and manhood to a level synonym of stupidity and insensible irresponsibility .

Back in the 90’s, the TV channels and programmes on offer in the country was limited but at some point the cable TV industry began operations and I could be witness of a new type of cartoons who did not portray the classic childish stories and characters , we, the children, could watch now a satirical and ironical representation of a typical “ideal-american-dream” family and its decadence.

In the series I believe we find sexism because the characters have followed throughout all the seasons, the classical family organization in which the male is the one who works and provides for the family while the wife, Marge, is entirely devoted to the children. Furthermore, this stand has only been contested eventually when Marge suffers from a breakdown or problem; and even in these situations the series has shown us scenes giving the underlying argument that it is a lot better that women take care of children. In other words, Marge has placed all her ambitions in a second place in order to raise the beloved children she had with Homer, and otherwise, the family would collapse completely.

All the former leads me to another fact that makes me think that sexism is widely present in The Simpsons and as mentioned, the differences between the female and male roles in the series are depicted in the construction of the different characters and while women in general present a higher degree of responsibility, civility and morality, men are depicted as unintelligent, non-rational and immature; an example of it are the consequences the family suffers from it, in every episode in which Marge is away and the children are left under Homer’s care.

Illustrations of the instances argued in this blog are abundant all along the many seasons the series has broadcast so far and thus quite difficult to summarize in these short lines. However, by having a female character who has abandoned her dreams in order to pursue the American ideal of a family and furthermore, by having a undermining treatment of the masculine roles and their skills is that, despite being one of my very favourite cartoon series of all times, The Simpsons is not quite far from being a sexist TV series.


  1. I agree with you, on your analizy of Lisa in the context from an American life, but I personally think that The Simpsons serie use this irony because of the humor that the serie is made, which is dark humor.

  2. I had never trought that Lisa, instead of being a feminist, would reproduce the patriarchal logics and aspire to a male model

  3. From the point that you speak, Homer could also be portrayed as a child. He can't take care of himself without Marge's help

  4. wow! I've never analyzed simpsons this way before, I think it's a good way to understand that TV fiction only reproduces behavioral models that the system dictates.

  5. You're absolutely right, you see sexism in the whole series.

  6. You're totally right, you can see the sexism present in the Simpsons in a character like Lisa, this is very difficult and the critical way in that you analyze the whole serie is very interesting.

  7. Wow, what the image says left me thinking. It saddens me, many women still share that thought.


  8. is really impressive the sexist message behind the fictional characters that we love the most, it's something to analyze.....

  9. I always thought that The Simpsons was sexist, but never though that Marge and Lisa was too :(


  10. The Simpsons are characterized by making a satire of society, but they have lost the quality of their characters, making them highlight a few qualities that they had previously and exaggerate


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