
Showing posts from April, 2019


 POST 3> MY FAVOURITE PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY Write about your favourite piece of technology Say: What it is. When you got it. How you use it. How often you use it. Why you like it. What life would be like without it. - 130 words minimum. - Include a picture.   - Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs. ___________________________________________________ The Apple Without The Worm I will tell you about something that happened many years ago, around 2010. For some time I had been quite disconnected from all society, I had already spent 6 months without a mobile. Back then I had started working for a telecommunications company and I had to be on the phone mostly all day long, and that's why I decided, in the end, to get rid of the #cell-phone". Time went by and some day I had an urgency, I had to hand in a very, very importan document, but with the rush, I left it over my desk at home, and the only way to get it was to call my friend

Post 2 ___ Why did you choose this career/study programme?

 Level 3 - Post 2 (week 4) Why did you choose this career/study programme? Write about: - your dream jobs when you were a child - other career options that you had at the moment of applying to university - what made you decide in the end - your experience at university until now - the kind of job you would like to have  > word count: 120 words  > don't forget to leave comments on 3 of your classmates posts and on your teacher's post as well. ______________________ Example:  I studied English Linguistics, and I always thought "what would my future job be?". And here I am!! I always wanted to have a fun, light, easy going and not too hard to do job, but always wanted to be with people. From all the many areas I could work in, I always wanted something neither too-much outdoors nor indoors, furthermore I wanted something that would produce some kind of social change, a good important and deep change. In


1st Term 2019 / LEVEL 3 >> Blog Session 1 (Week 3) >> My Auto Biography In week N° 3, and as the first post of this semester,  the students have to write their auto biographies. They have to include: - Birth info - Studies info (elementary/high school/ univ) - Family Info - Hobbies - Others... (pics for example) WHY HAVE I DECIDED TO BECOME A JOURNALIST/FILMAKER > Number of words: 100 (minimum) +/ 20% > Make comments on three of your classmates posts + a comment on your teacher post as well. __________________________________________________________________________________ MY EXAMPLE: SAMPLE: I was born far south, well, not so far, just 510 km south from the capital. My home city used to be Concepción, where in 1985 I was born; but when I was 5 years old my Father got a job in another city so we had to move to Los Angeles. Los Ángeles is a small city, at about 180 km from Concepción, it's a service and pulp-industry town, and it is a